BLS Cargo has been a regular participant in the biennial trade fair since 2003, and this year was no exception. "It was a very intensive week," summarises Dirk Pfister, Head of Product Management/Sales. "Everyone was happy to be back in Munich, but overall the mood was rather subdued due to economic expectations." Despite the subdued economic mood, the sales team considers the trade fair a success: "We were able to hold over 87 qualitatively valuable discussions, half of which were at management level. Around 41% of the talks were with potential new customers and over 55% of the talks were about new projects and business opportunities.
The atmosphere was definitely relaxed and cheerful every day from 4 p.m. onwards, when raclette was traditionally served at the BLS Cargo stand. Of course, the cheese was skimmed from the large cheese wheel, which ensured the event many eye-catchers.